The area of Mani is a blessed place and this is evident in the rich gastronomy for which it is famous for. During your visit to its picturesque villages you will have the opportunity to get to know (and taste) this long tradition.
Mani is known for its olives and olive oil, as well as for its citrus fruits, mainly oranges. Note this: In Lakoniki Mani the largest orange grove in Greece is located. Two of the most famous flavors of the Mani are boiling in orange juice: the delicious sigklino and the Mani sausage. Sygklino is salted smoked pork, prepared in a certain traditional way. Respectively, the Mani sausage consists of pork, orange, salt, pepper and various spices and it is also smoked, until it gets the aromas from the orange.

The pasta called “tsouhti” is a special traditional dish that every pasta lover will love. This delight is made of pasta, eggs, a type of cheese called “mizithra” and fresh butter. The local and fresh ingredients make this recipe special.

An integral part of the local gastronomic tradition is Lalagia. They are made of flour, oil, dry yeast and salt and you will enjoy them in different versions: plain, with cheese, honey or petimezi. A similar delicacy is the “travihti”, a type of pie, unique in taste. Do not leave the area without trying the famous “diples”. This traditional dessert is one of the most crunchy and rich in flavor. Equally impressive is the milk pie, with its rich taste and texture of the cream.